Our Founder
Isla Nublar
Isla Nublar was where it all began and where it all ended. In 1988 construction began on the small jungle island construction continued for 5 years. In 1993 unforeseen consequences lead to the parks closing before it could even open for years this was where Jurassic Park began and ended.
1997 and San Diego
In 1997 another attempt was maid to relaunch the Jurassic Park project.
"You don't bring people half way around the world to visit a zoo you bring the zoo to them!"
~Peter Ludlow former InGen CEO
Ludlow along with a group of InGen specialists launched an attempt to capture selected species to fill InGens abandoned San Diego park facility's. Unfortunately this attempt failed and only resulted in the capture of an adult male Tyrannosaurus and its infant. Unfortunately do to a containment anomaly the animal was able to free itself and was accidentally set loose on the streets of San Diego. What is seen as InGens greatest failure this resulted in the near closing of all InGen subsidiary's and the death of Peter Ludlow.
Ludlow along with a group of InGen specialists launched an attempt to capture selected species to fill InGens abandoned San Diego park facility's. Unfortunately this attempt failed and only resulted in the capture of an adult male Tyrannosaurus and its infant. Unfortunately do to a containment anomaly the animal was able to free itself and was accidentally set loose on the streets of San Diego. What is seen as InGens greatest failure this resulted in the near closing of all InGen subsidiary's and the death of Peter Ludlow.